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Draft decree amending some decrees in the area of ​​executions and enforcement of decisions


Draft decree amending some decrees in the area of ​​executions and enforcement of decisions


The Ministry of Justice submitted a draft decree on changes in the area of ​​executions and their execution. This relatively comprehensive proposal introduces several changes. We can name, for example, a change in the amount of the deposit for the further management of execution, which the beneficiary can submit on the basis of a call from the court bailiff, which can prevent the suspension of the execution due to lack of results. At the same time, the amount of the advance payment for the costs of execution, which the bailiff can demand in the event that the execution is conducted for a claim whose enforcement has already been stopped once, or to recover the costs of the proceedings from the execution that was stopped and the costs of the proceedings were not paid. The proposal also modifies the remuneration and compensation of the real estate administrators' expenses or the new form of registration in the central record of executions, where the total amount of the recovered monetary payment will be indicated. Last but not least, it aims to unify the terminology of the decree with the terminology of the amendment to the enforcement order.